Brave Ad World - Episode 35

Hey every body! Episode 35 is up and ready for your listening pleasure. This week: Apple TV takes shows to the cloud, Foursquare opens business pages up to everyone (even you), Germany puts the squeeze on Facebook, Facebook groups status updates by topic, Digg upgrades with a new feature,  Twitter makes some big changes, the great social network gaming turf war begins and Google+ faces controversy over pseudonyms.

It's another big episode with two weeks of news packed into one episode. Find it on iTunes or in the podcast section to add it to your preferred podcast player.

Have a good week.

Brave Ad World - Episode 27

Episode 27 of Brave Ad World is up and ready for your ears. This week we have Twitter becoming Twitpic’s biggest competitor, Hulu about to get more ads, Amazon as the latest player in the deals space and Twitter getting more multimedia content integrated into its platform as the big stories.

You can find it on on iTunes or in the podcast section, and have a great week.