Brave Ad World - Episode 41

Hey there! Another week is wrapped up, and another is upon us. With that, Episode 41 of Brave Ad World is up and ready for your earbuds. 

This week's headlines are: Google+ Brings In New Users After Going Public, Facebook Launching iPad App Soon, Microsoft Introduces Mango, Amazon Unleashes the Fire and Groupon Launches a Rewards Program.

We also discuss Flickr's Android app, Facebook courting small businesses and Zynga getting things started with Google+.

Find it for your listening pleasure on iTunes or in the podcast section to add it to your preferred podcast player. Reach out with comments on Twitter or email. We'd love to hear from you.

Brave Ad World - Episode 34

Wow! I can't believe it's been two weeks since Episode 33. Well, Episode 34 is up and ready for your listening pleasure. This episode is super-sized as I weigh in on the headlines, which include: Amazon rents out text books, CNN starts live streaming on the web and iDevices, the sale of Hulu looms, the end of Google Labs, LinkedIn makes applying for jobs easier, Facebook offers tips for businesses and Promoted Tweets make their way to your timeline.

Like I said, it's a big episode that's full of great info you might have missed. Find it on iTunes or in the podcast section to add it to your preferred podcast player.

Just to let you know, once again, there won't be an episode next week, but I'll be back the following week and will get back into a regular pattern.

Take care, and have a great two weeks!