Things I’ve Learned from Lately #125

“Things I’ve Learned from Lately” is a regular compilation of articles that have made me a smarter marketer. Hopefully, they’ll help you, too.

Data Journalism for Real - Data and content are closely intertwined, and The New York Times is taking steps to help its journalists make better use of content data by making it easier, clearer and more compelling. The program, called Stela, is aimed at delivering data points to reporters to help optimize stories as much as possible.

Video - Sound - My agency contributed to this article in The New York Times about the state of social video without sound. It’s something every marketer is dealing with, and successful execution is key.

How Facebook Views Video - Without question Facebook has changed the marketing landscape. This discussion with Facebook’s VP of ads and business platform shines light on how Facebook views its value prop.

The Post-App Era is Coming - According to Gartner, we’re about to enter the post-app era. We’ll rely more on bots and virtual assistants as data and code moves to the cloud.

If It Ain’t Broke - We get caught up in having the latest and greatest, but sometimes what worked best then works best today. That’s what this auto repair shop in Poland found.