Things I’ve Learned from Lately #118

“Things I’ve Learned from Lately” is a regular compilation of articles that have made me a smarter marketer. Hopefully, they’ll help you, too.

Is Sharing Necessary for Facebook’s Future? - Personal sharing on Facebook is on a decline as users look to platforms like Snapchat to share whet they’re doing at any given moment. This piece from Digiday evaluates the seriousness of the issue and attempts to determine if it’s anything to worry about.

Why The Media Industry is Dead and Dying - Joshua Topolsky writes about the dire straits of the media industry, how it got where it is and how it may not be able to get out of this mess.

What Happened with Theranos - Tech companies are interesting, and it’s sometimes hard to separate hype from fact. Nick Bilton looks at the rise and fall of Theranos and what led to the over-hyped company.

Must… Phone… Now… - Phone addiction is a growing problem. This CNN article looks at the growing addiction among teens, but we can’t just accuse teens of having a problem. This addiction spans across generations.

Now, That’s a Pivot - Nestle is changing as a business. It aims to be much more than snacks. It’s getting into… healthcare? Here’s why.