Things I’ve Learned from Lately #112

“Things I’ve Learned from Lately” is a regular compilation of articles that have made me a smarter marketer. Hopefully, they’ll help you, too.

What are Facebook Users Interested In- The Verge looked into Facebook’s new Audience Optimization tool to evaluate the top interests people like on Facebook. The results are interesting and somewhat surprising.

Making Your Whites Whiter - This story from Bloomberg is about DuPont’s titanium white color formulation and the man who stole it. Corporate espionage… what’s not to love?

The Mystery of Snapchat - Every time I think I get Snapchat, I realize I don’t, which is why I love getting the perspective of its power users—teens. This piece looks at the platform through the eyes of a 13-year-old Snapchat master. I guess you never stop learning.

My Doctor’s a Robot - Remote surgery is becoming a reality as surgeons are starting to use surgical robots to conduct operations. In a world of VR and more advanced robotics, the healthcare system is changing, and it’s raising a lot of questions.