Things I’ve Learned from Lately #101

“Things I’ve Learned from Lately” is a regular compilation of articles that have made me a smarter marketer. Hopefully, they’ll help you, too.

Remember that Time You Were Sad? Well, Now You Do. - I’ve been seeing Facebook’s ‘On This Day’ feature over the past couple weeks in my News Feed and have felt a tinge of nostalgia. But nostalgia isn’t what every user is experiencing; sorrow is. Many users are being reminded of the deaths of loved ones, breakups and so on. It’s the backlash from the idea that people often go to Facebook to vent and then never deal with that vent again. It’s just an outlet. In its defense, however, Facebook is taking steps to bring up happy memories, not sad ones.

Smile… You’re Probably on Camera - Cameras are showing up everywhere, and the LA Times looks at what it might mean to live in a camera-filled world. We need to answer some tough questions about when cameras are okay and when they aren’t because the boundaries are fading away… quickly.

Google Just Isn’t What It Used to Be - Danny Sullivan has been writing about Google for years, and in this piece, he talks about how the search engine has changed to be something much more than search.

Remembering What You Read… It’s Not Easy - Nikkitha Bakshani looks at the reason why we are remembering less of what we read. The average internet user is “reading a novel slightly longer than The Great Gatsby every day,” but we aren’t remembering what we read.