Mobilize Advocates to Make the Sale

There’s been a lot of talk around social media ROI and proving success in the social space. This post isn’t about that, though. It’s about making the most out of your investment.

Engaging in the social space is a big investment of time, money and personnel resources. Much of that work goes toward gaining an audience of Facebook Likers, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, blog readers and so on. But instead of spinning your wheels to keep them engaged and interacting, how do you make that investment work for your brand?

Push the Button

With all of that investment in growing that following, it only makes sense to activate those who have already raised their hands to say they like your brand and what you’re all about. An eMarketer chart reveals that 55% of influencers like to be one of the first to know about a new product, and 56% of influencers find it fun to convince others to try new products. Not only do they like your brand, they probably like telling others about it.

Your followers (not just Twitter but anyone who follows your social activity) are your consumer ambassadors. Many probably share their passion for your brand without any prompting, but sometimes, you have to push the button, give permission and mobilize your followers to spread the word.

Give Permission and Mobilize

Alright, so it’s one thing to know the importance of pushing the button. It’s another thing to do it. There are several ways, but it ultimately comes down to making sharing easy. 

  • Identify Your Advocates. Listen and identify the people who love your brand the most. They’re not just casual fans of your brand. These are people to keep close and potentially reward down the line. There are bonus points if they have a degree of influence (e.g., a significant following, content creation platform, etc.)
  • Make Sharing Seamless. Giving people the ability to share has never been easier. With multiple options to embed on your website (e.g., “Like” button, tweet button, etc.), incorporating sharing capabilities in all aspects of your brand online makes sharing an easy, painless process.
  • Reward and Ask. Your followers are your best friends, and friends do things for each other. Provide them with insider access whenever possible, say thanks with deals and offer rewards. Most importantly, don’t forget to ask if you’d like them to do something. If there’s a deal to share or an upcoming promotion, let your followers be the spark that lights the fire. Tell them about it, and give them the permission, tools and means to tell others. Some won't participate, but others will.
  • Serve. Remember to serve your customers. Being in the social space comes with the expectation from consumers that you’re there to help and be responsive. Be consistent with your level of interaction, invite two-way dialogue and collaborate with your followers. We’re on the same level with them now, so make the most out of being so close.